The service can sort posts by likes and reposts. Popsters supports all major social networks instagram, In touch with facebook, Classmates, twitter, youtube, tick tock, Cube flickr, pinterest What statistics are there in Popsters The interface is simple and clear. The account name or URL is entere into the search box, and after a few seconds, the following statistics are available. Coverage by day of the week and by time of day.
Scheule of posts by day of the week, indicating the amount of text. and text size. Relative activity by days of the week and text volume. Relative activity in terms of time of day and amount of text. Graphs of the number Phone Number List of likes and comments for the selecte period. Engagement for the specifie period. Number of subscribers per timeframe. Number of publications for the specifie time. Number of publications per text length.
Coefficient of adherence and relative activity for the length of the text. Number of posts by content type. Engagement rate and relate activity by content type. Information on hashtags the level of involvement and relate activity. Very convenient in Popsters after the statistics, there are posts from the most popular to the least popular. When analyzing competitors, you can immeiately see the topics and content of their publications with maximum activity.