Carlan, emily bavaresco rosa, gabriela neumann, geneci fidelis, jamille marin, jane zófoli, karine perez, liviê cocco rodrigues, malí (amanda de deus), mannu goss, mariana h. Porto, n. Ullmann, rosmarine jaskulski capiotti and samara kuhn.On january 16th , cinecult will begin, an event focused on the screening and discussion of films with social and cultural themes. The sessions will take place on the 16th, 23rd and 30th of january, always at 9 am, at amphitheater l1, attached to building 21, on the ufsm headquarters campus. After the screening of the films, debates will take place regarding issues present in cinematographic productions. The first production to be shown is the woman king. The feature portrays the trajectory of the agojie, a unit of warriors made up only of women, who protected the african kingdom of dahomey, in the year 1800. Inspired by real events, the narrative is based on the epic journey of general nanisca (played by oscar-winning actress viola davis), who trains a new generation of recruits and prepares them for battle against an enemy determined to destroy their way of life.
The work brings to debate the concept of culture regarding gender inequality that is still present today. The second film, scheduled to be shown on the 23rd, is called the wave. The production shows the lack of control of a social experiment that took place in a Germany Mobile Number List german school: professor rainer wenger, when needing to teach about autocracy, chooses to simulate an autocratic dictatorship inside the classroom. Thus, he acts as the leader and the students believed that it would be impossible for an authoritarian system to be established in germany again. The group of “followers” gains shape and followers at the same time that other colleagues and opponents of the ideas begin to distrust the practice and fear the actions of the “wave” followers. The film addresses issues relating to the democratic right to voice and the dangers of authoritarianism. The final part of this series presents extraordinary. It will be shown on the 30th and tells the story of auggie pullman, played by jacob tremblay, a 10-year-old boy with a rare syndrome that causes him to have facial deformities. After a few years of classes at home, his parents decide that the time has come for the boy to “face” schools with the traditional teaching method.
From that moment on, he will need to deal with bullying and prejudice from other students – who neither understand nor respect his condition. The film addresses the socialization and representation of minorities and people with disabilities. The objective of the meetings is to reflect on the subjects covered in the films and which are related to the debates held in the classroom, with the opportunity for the academic community to also participate in the experience. The event is free, open to the community and does not require registration.The ufsm bachelor of dance course presents to the community, on friday (16), saturday (17) and sunday (18), the graduation show of its 7th class, which is entitled “percurso – risco traços crooked.” starting at 8pm, at teatro caixa preta (located next to building 40 on the main campus), the show was created and composed by professor flávio campos and graduating students gabrielly neumann, joan felipe michel and tainan amaral. Tickets will be distributed at 7pm at the theater door. The show's creative team prepared an invitation to the show in the form of a letter, which also explains the reason for the title.